About Us
Bath County High School has been participating in the KidWind competition since 2015. In 2016, BCHS sent two teams to New Orleans to compete in the national championship. This year, 2018, BCHS has earned two slots in the national championship in Chicago.
Valley Elementary School has been participating in KidWind since 2017. This year, 2018, the Valley Elementary Wind Turbinators took first place in the KidWind competition in Roanoke and will be heading to Chicago for the national competition.
Why KidWind?
In 2015, Larry Grubbs, Ed Ozols, and Joey Altizer were looking for a project based learning activity that emphasized collaboration between groups of Career and Technical Education students from different career paths. KidWind provided the students that opportunity. The students were given a basic set of parameters that they had to follow, but were given lots of freedom to implement those parameters. The teachers provided assistance to the students when needed, but it was a student led project. During the development process, students from technology, electricity, and carpentry all worked together and different students took the lead depending upon the needs of the group and the knowledge of the individual students.
In 2017, Kristy Pasco and Darah Hevener decided to start a program with Valley Elementary School students, and in keeping with the original emphasis on collaboration, had the BCHS team provide the VES with their knowledge gained from two years of competing.