We did it! We created turbines that beat everyone else in power production. Lots of people came over to look at our turbines and the tools that we used to create them. We answered questions from a wide variety of people. There were many pictures taken of our build. It was a tense nail biter during the awards ceremony. 3rd place was announced and it wasn't us. Second place was announced and it wasn't us. Finally, the announcement for first place came in and it was for us! I do not think any team yelled louder than ours did when we won. We are exceedingly proud to be representing our small community and our state as well.
There were a lot of good teams in Chicago, and only a few points separated the top teams. As we start preparing for next year, we will look at the data and see what we can do to improve. Watch for us in Houston in 2019. We will be defending our championship and bringing a national championship trophy for the Valley Elementary team.
So far, Valley has progressed much like the high school team. In our second year, we earned a berth to the national competition New Orleans. We learned a lot that we applied this year when we went to our second competition. I am convince that what we learned in New Orleans gave us the Championship in Chicago.